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Arthur Guyton 's Textbook of Medical Physiology states that "the total amount of water in a man of average weight (70 kilograms) is 57 percent of his total body weight.
In a newborn infant this may be as high as 75 percent of the body weight but it progressively decreases from birth to old age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life. Also, obesity decreases the percentage of water in the body, sometimes to as low as 45 percent".
These figures are statistical averages and like all biostatistics, will vary with things like type of population, age, e.t.c. For example, Jackson's (1985) Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses gives a figure of 60%.


The Human Brain Consists of 80% water!

The first 9 month spent in our mothers womb we spent in water!

We should know much about it, however when confronted with a simple question — what water shell we drink or how much of it, the answers become complicated and conflicting. The orthodox medical sources are not only inconsistent but also contradictory especially when the question is posed in the context of purity of tap water or the content of inorganic minerals in the mineral water.


It wasn't until I went to visit a couple of friends over a year ago that I started to think about it. While me and my husband were staying over, the next morning my friend woke up crying and screaming from pain. He was suffering from a kidney stone problem and as I found out later, his doctor recommended to him drinking "pure water" (Needless to mention that I have never ever before seen a men cry so much !)

As a result I started to read on the subject of water, realising — the more I read the less I know. It felt like entering a war zone where different opinions and water systems competed for market share! Eventually I got tired of the subject and decided to give it simply a try (to what appealed to me most -"Pure Water", not mineral, not double osmosis or other expensive filtration system — but Pure Water! )

After drinking it for only few days I noticed, previously drinking only 1-1.5 litters was almost impossible hence I most certainly suffered from a mild case of dehydration. Drinking pure water became so easy I noticed drinking 3-4 litters every day and my body is not even that big ;) As a result I stopped drinking sodas and almost lost interest in drinking coffee or any other beverages. Drinking water became a totally new experience!!!

Now, I want to share with you what I found out in my search for "pure water"....


What is pure water?

Water that has been heated to the boiling point so that impurities are separated from it, which itself becomes vapour or steam. It is then condensed back into pure liquid form. This process removes the debris, all solids, minerals, bacteria, and other contaminants.

The same process is observed in nature.

The sun heats water on the earth's surface, the water is turned into a vapour and rises, leaving contaminants behind. The moisture then forms into clouds. As the temperature drops, the vapours cool and form water droplets. The water drops fall as rain, perfectly distilled and pure. 

This is the same process by which commercially distilled water is made. 



Problem with mineral water;
It introduces to the body variety of minerals which are inorganic and unabsorbable by the body hence of no benefit. The effect is such that those inorganic minerals clog up various body organs creating number of causes for variety of diseases.

Organic minerals and nutrients are vital for the body and its health. The body obtains them from foods and drinks. Hence the body has no need for those inorganic substances found in mineralised water.


Some claim that "Pure Water" leaches minerals from the body; 
It is not possible for pure water to remove organic minerals from the cells as they are well on their way to building more healthy cells. 

The truth is that any organic mineral you eat or drink are immediately broken down and used by the cells of your body


Pure Water benefits the body by the action of;

As pure water travels through your body it absorbs inorganic minerals that have built up in the joints and organs over the years, flushing them out of your body.

Your body will feel lighter, healthier and have a lot more energy.

What is the never ending source of organic minerals?

It is a well known fact that the best way to get organic minerals into your body and cells is to juice fruits and vegetables, they contain all the minerals, nutrients and trace elements the body needs.

Drinking mineral water creates only unnecessary burden to the body!!!



Problems with tap water and mineral water:

Tap water and to some degree mineral water contains pollutants of which the most alarming are:

• Lead , which can enter the water supply through corrosive pipes or improper water treatment

• Pathogens that cause disease and are especially crippling to those with weakened immune systems

• By-products of chlorine treatment such as trihalomethanes and halo-acetic acids , which have been linked to cancer and reproductive problems

• Arsenic , which may cause cancer, serious skin problems, birth defects and reproductive problems

• Radon , a carcinogen linked to lung cancer

Poisonous chemicals spell danger and at the very least overburdening work for our internal organs and colons.



Advantages/benefits of drinking Pure Water:


99% Free of Impurities.

No Installation Just Plug it in.

Heightens Energy.

Sharpen Mental Performance.

Improve Skin Appearance.

Promote Weight Loss.

Reduce Stress Anxiety and Depression.

Relieve Headaches and Dizzy spells.

Alleviates Asthma, Allergy and Arthritis Symptoms.

Aid in Proper Digestion.

Improve Oxygen Delivery.

Remove Toxins and Waste Products.

Transport and Increase Nutrient Absorption.

Cushion and Lubricate Joints.

Regulate Body Temperature.

Generate Cellular Energy.

Improve Immune Function.


Again, like with most things in life, "do it yourself and you know whats in it"


The American Journal of Epidemiology, on May 1, 2002, published a study that was conducted over a 6-year period of 20,000 men and woman, age’s from 38 to 100.

The woman who drank 5 glasses or more a day were 41% less likely to die from heart attack than those who drank less than 2 glasses. Not surprising considering the heart is 79% water.

Obtaining minerals from mineral water and its importance as to its source (of minerals) sounds like a joke! in light of piece of information I came across, claiming that 
according to a study made in the USA, in order to satisfy daily recommended intake of minerals one would have to drink :

676 glasses of water to meet the daily intake of Calcium,
1,848 - for Magnesium,
168,960-for Phosphorus
848-for Iron

Another interesting source of information I found on the following pages:
"24 Doctors with the courage to tell the truth about Distilled Water..."

A book by Dr. Allen Banik
"The Choice is Clear" available as a download at:

A book by Drs. Paul and Patricia Bragg 
" Water - The Shocking Truth That Can Save Your Life" available as a download at:

Number of different articles presented by Joe Letorney, Jr. at:

Other equally interesting links on the subject of Pure Water:

Wake Up! Message

Is your water as PURE as it should be?


Water is the spring of life, drinking distilled water


Distilled Water — The Choice Is Clear by Bonnie O’Sullivan

Why Choose Distilled Water ? Dr.Clement

Distilled Water vs. Filtered Water vs Bottled

Top Secret Water - 2005 Documentary

24 Doctors Tell The Truth-Water


The information on Colloidal Silver, Ozone, Water or other has been given strictly for informational and educational purposes only.

There maybe restrictions on human (internal) use of above mentioned in your country.

In which case the information above refers to those historical days predating those regulations.  

All suggested here have been used with success by some in the past.
This is not recommendation of any kind.

Should you be using those above mentioned only as a "cleaning method" or use it on your plants only,

the effects/methods described serve as information and not recommendation.
We strongly recommend that persons who are investigating in alternative or complementary therapeutic protocols
perform their own Due Diligence and take full responsibility for their actions.
As for copyrights, it is hard to copyright truth, so please share...



Pure Water

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“it is nature's miracle
 it is nature’s natural antibiotic"

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