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Our Story

Our story...

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.




I know there are some Colloidal Silver products on the market and I know they are expensive too.

Being a former music TV presenter and a model, my professional life kept me most of the time in front of a TVcamera or a camera of some kind ...and in stress.

It was always very important to my professional life to look good and to have perfect skin. I used to buy many expensive products. Since I started to apply the Bob Beck Protocol (Colloidal Silver, Ozone and Pure Water) all my headaches related to my skin and general health have disappeared.

Now, not only that I would never buy them again but most of my friends and family stopped buying them too.
Initially I kept giving CS small100ml. spray bottles to my friends and family. Now-days most of them use the Kit and apply the Protocol which I have put together for them, I saved them a lot of money and a lot of stress ... ;) 


The information on Colloidal Silver, Ozone, Water or other has been given strictly for informational and educational purposes only.

There maybe restrictions on human (internal) use of above mentioned in your country.

In which case the information above refers to those historical days predating those regulations.  

All suggested here have been used with success by some in the past.
This is not recommendation of any kind.

Should you be using those above mentioned only as a "cleaning method" or use it on your plants only,

the effects/methods described serve as information and not recommendation.
We strongly recommend that persons who are investigating in alternative or complementary therapeutic protocols
perform their own Due Diligence and take full responsibility for their actions.
As for copyrights, it is hard to copyright truth, so please share...

ころいだるしるばー, コロイダルシルバー,colloidal silver kit,angelwolfandeye,

“it is nature's miracle
 it is nature’s natural antibiotic"

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