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Hi, My name is Yuri and this is my WebPage/Blog,

Dedicated to Self Healing and preventative home protocols, inspired by an early encounter with Colloidal Silver and the Bob Beck Protocol. 

I found very little or nothing on the subject of Bob Beck in Japanese and decided not only to research but also translate some of his methods of self-healing.

His ideas are known to work and benefited hundreds of thousands of people.

They work for me, my family, friends and all those people I know who had a chance to apply it.
Some time ago I came across the name of an American Psychiatrist Dr. Rima Laibow, the information presented by her, the well established doctor with decades of experience not only "shook my world" but motivated me to create those Pages.
One may say changed the way I started to look at orthodox medicine and life in general.
As a result, I started to read on variety of topics related directly and indirectly to the subject of self healing, joined number of international groups which promote well being and I continue to take active stand in promoting awareness against those relatively new threats to our health and wellness; And how we can combat those feelings of diminished energy, risks related to cancer, risks related to never ending and always newer and newer strains of deadly bacteria and fears thereof.


I have researched number of ideas and decided to share some of my findings and personal experience of their use with all of you.

Those are probably the best and simplest natural remedies found, providing direct answers to most of our body's "concerns"-bacteria, parasites and numerous organisms which keep attacking our Immune System and often deprive and hijack our energy to the point of loss of vitality therefore loss  of our natural ability to remain happy, energetic and joyful.

The remedies offered by “big pharmaceutical companies” are often not in the zone of a typical health conscious individual. The growing dangers of multitude of pollutants; be it industrial, agricultural or else are exponentially becoming not only concerning but also generate existential fears as to the future of humans and animals. Mainstream medical professionals are becoming helpless if not inadequate, faced with growing numbers of sick people suffering from modern day diseases.

As we advance technologically, we only grow sicker and more polluted.

(Needless to mention the GMO's of this world and all those poisonous ingredients in our foods, water and environment)

Those Pages are arranged in Chapters (mostly translations of what I have found in number of different languages)
Chapter 1. Ozone
Chapter 2. Colloidal Silver
Chapter 3. Water

First two being a part of Bob's Beck Protocol, the third is my addition, although one could consider the recommendation of Beck to "always drink a lot of water to flash all impurities from the body" being a part of his original protocol.


It is my dream to be able to create a fund for those who are not always able to make full payment yet are in need of those simple home remedies and devices.  I want to be able to make discounts for those who happen to be single mothers or elderly. So please ask me for a discount if you happen to be a single mother or an elderly.

If you feel, you have benefited from visiting these pages and would like to see them grow, please donate and make it possible with your contribution.

I plan to introduce new translations of few more protocols, to make it interactive at some point in the near future, so we could exchange information on healing and preventative home protocols.




Thank you.


Yuri and

© Angelwolf And Eye


The information on Colloidal Silver, Ozone, Water or other has been given strictly for informational and educational purposes only.

There maybe restrictions on human (internal) use of above mentioned in your country.

In which case the information above refers to those historical days predating those regulations.  

All suggested here have been used with success by some in the past.
This is not recommendation of any kind.

Should you be using those above mentioned only as a "cleaning method" or use it on your plants only,

the effects/methods described serve as information and not recommendation.
We strongly recommend that persons who are investigating in alternative or complementary therapeutic protocols
perform their own Due Diligence and take full responsibility for their actions.
As for copyrights, it is hard to copyright truth, so please share...

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“it is nature's miracle
 it is nature’s natural antibiotic"

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