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CS-My Story


Let me share with you my personal journey.

It started few years ago when I noticed that my boyfriend (now husband) would occasionally spray his mouth and nose with a “mysterious” substance.

I was intrigued at first but since he is European I thought it to be one of his many "eccentricities", after getting to know him better I found the courage to ask him what it was.(?)

He smiled and answered short “it is natures miracle” and this is how it all started. 

After few more weeks I asked him if I could try it myself to which he replied “no problem” with the same charming smile, he opened a cabinet in his living room and took out a jar and couple of heavy silver bullion plates.

Within 1hour he presented me with a straw yellow water, gave me a bottle spray and said “your life will change”

And indeed he was right. Not only that by applying it on my skin my face became smoother and "purer" but I have also noticed that my moods, even my breathing became lighter and my general health improved multifold.


Please continue for more - interesting translations from various sources...



The information on Colloidal Silver, Ozone, Water or other has been given strictly for informational and educational purposes only.

There maybe restrictions on human (internal) use of above mentioned in your country.

In which case the information above refers to those historical days predating those regulations.  

All suggested here have been used with success by some in the past.
This is not recommendation of any kind.

Should you be using those above mentioned only as a "cleaning method" or use it on your plants only,

the effects/methods described serve as information and not recommendation.
We strongly recommend that persons who are investigating in alternative or complementary therapeutic protocols
perform their own Due Diligence and take full responsibility for their actions.
As for copyrights, it is hard to copyright truth, so please share...




ころいだるしるばー, コロイダルシルバー,colloidal silver kit,angelwolfandeye,

“it is nature's miracle
 it is nature’s natural antibiotic"

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