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 ...Use CS

Since I have been using Colloidal Silver for some time now... and knowing people who use it for almost two decades, it is easy to make recommendations. On another hand I'm not a doctor and I don't claim to be an authority on medical topics.
From my personal research and experience, I'm satisfied with the way I use it and find it beneficial.

There are many conflicting opinions. Some are very misleading and confusing of that I’m certain.

This is also one of the reasons why I decided to include the PPM meter in the “Kit”, so you always know what you are doing and how concentrated/intensive is your Colloidal Silver. You can adjust the strength by simply taking a reading and stopping the process at desired level.

As for myself, I use it of variety of strength. As a daily spray (mouth) I use intensity of between 10 to 15 PPM. And use it also as a facial spray (bottle included in the Kit) I use the same intensity for gargling short before going to bed as cold preventative method.

This way I rarely catch colds or flues and when my friends or family do, I give them a bottle and recommend to gurgle few times a day.
My Husband has been using it for decades, since he was a young man, he sprays it always on his hands, cloth, bedding and sometimes salads. He never travels without it and while he is traveling he would spray it in his coffee...

I also use it in the kitchen and spray dishes after I wash them (specially on hot summer days when Tokyo gets really hot and bacteria is plenty)

I'm aware of the fact that a lot of people drink it in small amounts (50 ml) once or twice a week or everyday but I never had any problems with health and found no need to drink it.

On most days I would keep it in my mouth for few minutes after brushing my teeth to clear my mouth from bacteria, purely as a dental hygiene procedure. Also there are benefits when the solution is kept under the tongue for couple of minutes-it is said to strengthen the immune system.
Using Colloidal Silver to support  your Immune System - Modern sources and research  suggests that most pathogenic organisms are killed in the test tube at concentrations of 10–40 ppm, and some requiring concentration of up to 60 ppm


As for the myth of "argyria"-gray discolouration of skin caused by Colloidal Silver…???

It is a myth! It came to existence because of the infamous Paul Karason who appeared on US Tv programs and who drunk over 1 Litre a day of "silver chloride" for many years and NOT colloidal silver! ("silver chloride" is created by adding salt to the solution). It is said that he knowingly made (and admitted to making) a photochemical solution that caused his Argyria. To make the blue skin colour even more intense, he added salt to the brew. To intensify blue skin condition, he applied the compound to his skin with Tanning Lotion and used a Tanning Bed.
Dishonest producers of colloidal silver water products (available in many countries) often add salts in order to speed up the process of production of what is NOT! colloidal silver but "silver chloride" 
Changing it chemically to “silver chloride”,  by adding salt one may trigger the “argyria” — gray discolouration of the skin.

I would suggest don't use any of those expensive products. Do it yourself and you know what’s in it ;)

It is not even high school level science, and it is as easy as making a cup of tea and as long as you don't add any salts or other elements into the process and refrain from buying ready-made products, you don't expose yourself to any mistakes. Do it yourself ! and you know whats in it and save money...  


Remember, NEVER use sterling silver (925) bought from a jeweller because sterling silver has nickel and copper added to it!! 
Using sterling silver could cause problems.
Buy only  999+ marked Silver!


Other uses:

Remember to always use distilled water when applying internally.

  • Add to drinking water when traveling or camping.

  • Colloid sprayed burns heal rapidly without scarring.

  • Safely sterilise anything from toothbrushes to surgical instruments.

  • Used on cuts, wounds, abrasions, rashes, sunburn, razor nicks, bandages.

  • Mist kitchen sponges, towels, cutting boards to eliminate E. Coli 0157:H7 and salmonella bacteria to prevent food poisoning, gastrointestinal inflammation, and genital tract infections.

  • Use like peroxide on zits and acne.

  • Add to juices to enhance shelf-life.

  • Add to milk to delay spoiling, fermenting, deteriorating, clabbering or curdling.

  • Spray in shoes, between toes, between legs to stop most skin itch, athlete’s foot, fungi, jock itch.

  • Diminish dandruff, psoriasis, skin rashes, etc.

  • Add to bath water, gargle, douches, colon irrigation, nasal spray and dental water-pic solutions.

  • Cuts downtime dramatically with colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, respiratory infections and rhino viruses.

  • Skin itch, eye and ear infections, some moles and warts vanish when colloid is sprayed on body after bathing.

  • Use with Q-tip on fingernail, toenail, and ear fungi.

  • Neutralise tooth decay and bad breath. Silver colloid stops halitosis by eliminating bacteria deep in throat and on back of tongue. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, silver colloid never permits strain-resistant pathogens to evolve.

  • Put a few drops on band-aids and bandages to shorten healing times.

  • Toothaches, mouth sores, bacterial irritations are diminished.

  • Soak dentures to reduce bacterial count and help prevent mouth infections.

  • Spray refrigerator, freezer and food storage bin interiors.

  • Add to water based paints, wallpaper paste, dishwasher, cleaning and mopping solutions, etc.

  • Spray pet bedding and let dry.

  • Spray on top of contents of opened jam, jelly, and condiment containers and inside lids before replacing.

  • Mix a little in pet water, birdbaths, cut flower vases.

  • Swab air ducts and vents to prevent breeding sites for germs.

  • Use routinely in laundry final rinse water and always before packing away seasonal clothes.

  • Spray plant foliage to stop fungi, moulds and most plant diseases.

  • Treat pools, fountains, humidifiers, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, baths, dishwashers, re-circulating cooling tower water, gymnasium foot dips, and bath and shower mats.

  • Spray inside shoes, watch bands and gloves and under fingernails periodically.

  • Rinse fruit and vegetables before storing or using.

  • Put in cooking water.

  • Human and animal shampoos become disinfectants.

  • Wipe telephone mouthpieces, pipe sterns, headphones, hearing aids, eyeglass frames, hairbrushes, combs, loofas.

  • Excellent for diapers and diaper rash.

  • Spray toilet seats, bowls, tile floors, sinks, urinals, doorknobs to disinfect.

  • Rinse pillowcases, sheets, towels and bedclothes.



The information on Colloidal Silver, Ozone, Water or other has been given strictly for informational and educational purposes only.

There maybe restrictions on human (internal) use of above mentioned in your country.

In which case the information above refers to those historical days predating those regulations.  

All suggested here have been used with success by some in the past.
This is not recommendation of any kind.

Should you be using those above mentioned only as a "cleaning method" or use it on your plants only,

the effects/methods described serve as information and not recommendation.
We strongly recommend that persons who are investigating in alternative or complementary therapeutic protocols
perform their own Due Diligence and take full responsibility for their actions.
As for copyrights, it is hard to copyright truth, so please share...



ころいだるしるばー, コロイダルシルバー,colloidal silver kit,angelwolfandeye,

“it is nature's miracle
 it is nature’s natural antibiotic"

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